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Messages From Spirit…

“Channeled Messages” With “Dr. Brandy” 

Dr. Brandy will tap into your “Highest Guidance” and ask for your answers. Whether your questions are past, present, or future, Dr. Brandy will help you to access your Inner Guidance. All guidance is “In the Light” and only will your “Highest Source” be asked to guide you.

Dr. Brandy Accesses: The "13 Universal Beings of Light," The Akashic Records, Angel Cards, Fairy Cards, Animal Medicine Cards, Pendulums/Dowsing,

Crystals & Others...As Guided..................

Connect With Your Pet!

In addition to readings and healing for humans, Dr. Brandy also offers guidance, Reiki and vibrational therapies for animals. 

Pet “Psychic Readings" with Dr. Brandy L. Howe. Ever wonder what your pet is thinking? From very early childhood, Dr. Brandy has had a deep love for animals and nature. She could “feel” animals’ thoughts & vibrations. It was from this ability that she began to listen and they began to talk to her. It is through telepathic communication & intuition that the animals let her know of the areas that they & their families are in need of healing/changing. Whether it is ill-health or emotional disturbances, she has had much success since 1996, when she started embracing the animals as part of her personal mission to help. Dr. Brandy specializes in helping rescued and abused animals find peace & open their heartsto experience the joy of unconditional love, which they so freely give.   

Nite Star Life Awareness



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